
Bengbo Overview


 Bengbo Overview

An insane roguelike shooter where being doing great and it is equivalent to throw dice. Redesign yourself and fight mechanical misfortunes in a bad gambling club set in a future…

Game Outline

 Designer: Wognum Studios

 Distributer: Wognum Studios

 Delivery DATE: 25 Jul, 2023

 Class: Activity, Shooter, Science fiction

Straightforward, testing and automated? Definitely so! Go wild in the club, update yourself, and experience the eventual fate of Swedish culture!

It is straightforward, use dice and never kick the bucket! With many dice-situated mechanics available to you can fight your direction up the positions against a wide range of foes and managers in the Deéjude Field, how far will you come?

In the Superior Club Parlor, you can update, bet as well as cooperate with the loquacious clients and quality staff! Buy new capacities and acknowledge or deny the most recent arrangements that will be accessible to you after a fight.

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